Woodturning Club Meetings Suspended

With regret the decision has been taken to suspend all meetings of the Woodturning Club with effect from 16/Mar/2020. This decision will be continuously reviewed in the light of the current Corona Virus pandemic and meetings will be continued when it is considered safe to do so.

Another update – Backlight 2

This entails another major revamp of the website but re-using the templates from Backlight 1. The major change is that Backlight 2 is able to create Album and Album sets internally. Previously these were created using Lightroom Classic – and this remains an option as most of the existing Albums have been created using Lightroom […]

Software update

Another round of updates has now been completed. These are mainly maintenance upgrades which have little visible impact – after an initial hiccup or two! Some Audio/Visual shows have been added under the Video Links tab. These are experimental – testing for possible future use. The Search facility has had some work done and repeat […]

Ring Puzzle video

This is a Vimeo test post using the previously created Ring Puzzle video (July 2012). The ring puzzle is designed to hide sweets (or engagement rings)!   This presentation is simpler than the previous one and does not include the option of choosing from a Contents list which identifies various stages of the build.

Web Site re-build

Several months ago work started on the development of new software used to run this site. (a Photoshop Lightroom plug-in module set developed by The TurningGate CE4). With the trend towards mobile and tablet devices the new software “makes it all better than it is now”. All of the modules have now been completed and […]

Search facility

A limited search facility is now available from the Navigation menu. At present it only searches the Oct 2013-Mar 2014 Galleries plus the Favourites and Names to Faces Galleries – more galleries will added slowly… Words or expressions can be used for a search – e.g.   Geoff,  Roy,  Oak,  Bowl, burr  etc. etc. – the […]

The Web Site

The Photo Galleries web site for the Turning Club has evolved over the last two years. This blog details how it got to its current state of evolution.   I’m sure that it will be mainly of interest to those who are thinking of doing something similar…

Gallery Above

Until now if you were looking at one of the galleries for, say 2009-2010, if you press the “Galleries” button it returned you to the top level – all of the big groups. If you had wanted to look at a different gallery for 2009 you would have to go down the options until you […]

July 2024
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