Turning Club - 08/Apr/2017.

Woods shown included Yew, Sycamore, Oak, Walnut (various), Silver Birch, Elm, Rosewood, Boxwood, Beech, and Mahogany.

Pieces showed included - Several complex pieces using segmentation- dishes, lidded box; mantel clocks in Yew; Dishes in Yew featuring natural edges, spider web figuring and seasonal variations; pens with exotic woods, a needle box in an Oak acorn; a hinged lid box in Mahogany; and bowls and a goblet form in Silver Birch.

Roy Boulton demo'd creating a Yew blank and then turned a bowl with external texturing, a (previously made) coloured box with screw lid was completed by David Collins ... plus more ...

Allen Atkins demo'd turning a box with textured base ... and more ...