570 - Turning club - 24/Nov/2012
With Christmas approaching there are a number of ideas for gifts in this weeks' gallery. (also in earlier galleries!).
Roy Boulton made two "Carriage Clocks" for someone, plus showed others he had created previously.
Brian Inwood showed several lovely spalted wood creations - clocks, jewellery stand and lidded bowl.
The Boxwood threaded bolts by Peter Kemp provoked a lot of discussion.
Other items displayed included - pot pourri, first woodturning creations by Ronan Douse (bowl and bud vase), segmented vase, pierced dragonfly candle holder and pierced hollow form by Colin Brown, a Prussian helmet (for which Allen created a stand).
Roy demonstrated turning Christmas trees, bell, snowman and a ball - all potentially the subjects for the Fun Day ten minute challenge!
Allen Atkins demonstrated turning a bowl and techniques for a winged/footed four cornered dish.