603 - Turning Club - 26/Jan/2013

<img alt="Chess Piece salt/pepper shaker" src="../thumbnails/603_thumbnail26Jan13.jpg" style="width: Auto; height: 150px; margin: 5px 25px 15px 10px;" class="float-left" />

Few made it last week but this was a very busy meeting with lots of items displayed and several visitors.

Recent themes of Chess Pieces, and Goblets were well represented.

Other items displayed included bowls, dishes, involuted turning, a carved trekker, coloured vases and a jewellery stand.

Allen Atkins demonstrated turning and finishing a long stemmed offset turned goblet.

Roy Boulton meanwhile demonstrated a long stemmed goblet with captive ring plus an apple and a pear.

The theme for next week will be to create an apple and a pear.