607 - Turning Club - 23/Feb/2013

<img alt="Overview of display" src="../thumbnails/607_thumbnail23Feb13.jpg" style="width: Autopx; height: 150px; margin: 5px 20px 5px 10px;" class="float-left" /> The very popular theme was to create a bowl or dish with feet.

The overview of the display area shows the variety of work produced - not just against the theme.

It included theme work, bowls and dishes without feet, vases, pepper mills, colouring work, finishing demo, pot pourri, lidded boxes, pyrography and a pen.

Allen Atkins demonstrated how he obtains his high gloss finishes - 2 coats Chestnut acrylic spray plus burnishing cream... he made a sycamore vase which he will colour.

Roy demo'd a dish with decorated rim.

The theme for next week - nothing set.