Turning Club - 27/Jul/2013

<img alt="Mouse money box" src="http://turning.geoffhawkins.me.uk/galleries/022_galleries_jun-tba-2013/thumbnails/628_thumbnail27Jul13.jpg" style="width: Autopx; height: 150px; margin: 5px 20px 5px 10px;" class="float-left" />

Items shown include - a money box, a candlestick with involuted turning, a clock, bowls, pot-pourri, lidded boxes, display stands, lathe based animals, a flower, a cane head, and pens.

Woods used included bloodwood, yew, acacia, oak, hazelnut, eucalyptus, laburnum and paralam.

Allen Atkins demonstrated turning a case, a plate and a lidded box.

Roy Boulton, meanwhile, demo'd flattening techniques, turning flowers and a bobbin.